Older Persons Mental Health Service

The Older Person's Mental Health Team is a specialist, community based, multi-disciplinary team based at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers Memorial Hospital.  The team was established to address the specialist mental health needs of older people (currently defined in New Zealand as over the age of 65) in the Hawke’s Bay region.

The team is committed to He Mana to Tiriti o Waitangi (Expressing the Treaty of Waitangi in mana terms). This is expressed in (he mana whakahaere) recognising that our family / whānau have rights and governance over their care, (he mana motuhake) family / whānau wishes are embedded in how we care for them, (mana tangata) equality of opportunity for all to gain better access to the best care and services for family / whānau, (mana maori) cultural competency of staff help to build closer mutual relationships with whanau/family. Our aspirations are to see whanau/family in their homes, soon after referrals are received.  The treatment is provided in the community and the goal of our work (mahi) is to improve the person’s situation and return care back to their general practitioner (or other primary health care provider) as soon as possible. A small number of people may need long-term management by the team.

There are no dedicated mental health inpatient beds for people over the age of 65 in Hawke’s Bay. If an older person needs acute inpatient treatment for mental illness, admission needs to be negotiated with the Consultant and Charge Nurse of the Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation (Geriatric) Ward or Ngā Rau Rākau (Mental Health Inpatient Ward).  It is preferred that referrals come from the patient’s general practitioner (or other medical practitioner) because many older people presenting with mental illness have serious comorbid medical conditions which need to be taken into consideration.

Who are the family or whānau we see in Older Person's Mental Health Team?

  • People over the age of 65, who have developed a mental illness after the age of 65, and need specialist mental health assessment and treatment.
  • People aged 65 yrs and over with severe and enduring mental illnesses, last seen by Adult Mental Health Services two years previously or longer.
  • People with diagnosed dementia, complicated by severe behavioural or psychiatric symptoms.
  • It is acknowledged that there are circumstances when people under the age of 65 should be managed by the Older Person's Mental Health Service. The team will consider such requests individually.

Who are the family or whānau who are not seen by the Older Person's Mental Health Team?

  • People under the age of 65: Except under exceptional circumstances – to be negotiated with the Older Person's Mental Health Team individually. (Note: specialist mental health assessment and treatment for people under 65 is provided by the ‘Adult Mental Health Service’ – Ph: 06 878 8109 Hastings extn 5700 or Napier extn 4220
  • People over the age of 65 with enduring serious mental illnesses, requiring ongoing specialist management. (These people remain under the care of the ‘Adult Mental Health Service’ Ph: 06 878 8109 Hastings extn 5700 or Napier extn 4220
  • Dementia assessments: People requiring specialist assessment to diagnose dementia. (People under the age of 65, should be referred to Neurology – Phone: 06 878 8109 extn 6645  People 65 or older, refer to Geriatric Services / Older Persons Health Phone 06 878 8109 extn 2522 
  • Capacity Assessments: People referred principally for capacity assessment will not be seen because all medical practitioners have the ability to asses a person's capacity within their scope of practice. If a specialist opinion is required, referral should be made to private specialist or psychologist.
  • Hospital Inpatients: Referrals for people who are currently inpatients should be sent to the Mental Health Consult Liaison Service – Phone 027 221 7790
  • Crisis/Emergency Department presentations: These are seen by the Emergency Mental Health Service – Phone 0800 112 334
  • Patients in Wairoa: The team is not able to provide a service in Wairoa. Wairoa residents can be seen as outpatients in Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldier's Memorial Hospital. Alternatively, assessments may be possible using audio-visual (video) equipment between Wairoa and Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldier's Memorial Hospitals

What happens when our family or whānau refer to the Older Person's Mental Health Team?

  • The referred person will be seen by the Older Person's Mental Health Team's triage clinician within 24 hours (48 hours if referral is received on weekend)
  • Triage clinician reviews referral – obtains more information if required, referral redirected if not for Older Person's Mental Health Team.
  • Initial assessment arranged after allocation (within 72 hours of allocation) and treatment initiated by either keyworker or doctor.
  • Following the initial assessment the person is discussed at the weekly multi-disciplinary team meeting to decide upon a plan as to what happens next.